Prayers for our Haiti Team


It’s that time of year again! On Friday, October 14th, a team of 20 missionaries from newhope church will head to the beautiful country of Haiti to participate in the church’s first-ever medical and service combination trip in our adopted village of Bohoc. With the devastation and destruction left behind from Hurricane Matthew, the team covets your prayers as they head to a country that has been torn apart.

With a death toll of nearly 800 and still counting, there is no better time than right now to be the hands of feet of Jesus Christ to a country that so desperately needs it. We are honored to have that opportunity! Please pray for the country of Haiti and the Haitian people as they deal with this devastating disaster and continue to try to put the pieces back together. Pray for those who have lost loved ones, their homes, their livestock and everything they own. The impact that Hurricane Matthew has left on that country is bigger than anyone imagined. Please continue to pray!

As we head to Haiti, not knowing what we will see and what we will experience, we ask that our newhope family pray for us. Please pray for our safety, our friends and family that we are leaving behind, and for all those people that we will encounter and impact throughout this journey! May God use our team in mighty ways! We are praying for Haiti!

Thank you,

Reah P. Nicholson

Meet our team and their prayer requests for this trip:


Allison Adler

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

Dear God-

While I’ve been to Haiti several times, you know my prayers for this trip involve not just our travel to Haiti, but what I’m leaving behind. I pray that you’ll watch over Emily Grace. That you’ll be with Steve as he cares for her. He’s so great with her, I just pray that you’ll give him the energy to keep up with her. I ask you to be with me as I travel away from my family. Please give me peace.

I’ve thought about medical missions since before I went to Haiti in 2011. I’m so excited that God has made that plan come to fruition in a community in which we know one another. I’m amazed at the diverse group of people God is using for his work. The team is made up of so many that specialize in different areas of medicine and others who are not medically trained, and I pray that God will use each of us to impact His kingdom through this work.

I pray that my love for these beautiful people will shine through in our crazed “all about me” culture, and that I will attract others to this country, and they will become interested in Haiti, and understand ways they can support others both in Haiti and closer to home. I pray that God will reach others who we interact with about ways they can show love to Haiti, whether it’s traveling there in the future, donating resources, donating time by giving platelets and blood to the American Red Cross for those affected by the hurricane.

I pray for our travel and safety, and our Haitian brothers and sisters.



Naomi Ball

Age: 35

newhope church Campus: North Raleigh

Prayer Requests for Trip: My nerves over my first flight, and for my husband and kids to be ok without me…I’ve never left them for more than a weekend.



Adrienne Barnhart

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

To fully enjoy and experience the community of Bohoc. To show Christ’s love to the people of Bohoc through the ministry that we will be doing there, just to be open to all aspects of the trip.

Protection at home for my family and that no serious issues arise for my dad and mother in law while I am away.

For the team: team health, protection from mosquito bites and disease, unity and great fellowship, safe travels and easy access in to Haiti with medical and dental supplies.

Hurricane protection for the island of Haiti. That the rivers do not rise too high for all the rain and that the people would be protected from any diseases as it travels through/over the island.



Stephanie Eissens

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • Prayers for health and travel safety for our team.
  • Prayers for myself and the other doctors that God will use our medical skills not only to bring help and healing but as instruments of His love to the people of Bohoc.
  • Prayers for Haiti and the devastation left by Matthew, that God takes our small efforts and multiplies them in a large way to bless this country.
  • In the words of one of my favorite singers…”why sit around and wait for a miracle to come when we can BE ONE”.



Keith Fox

Age: 55

newhope church Campus: Sanford

Prayer Requests for Trip:

I am praying for a safe trip to and from Bohoc and for our time in Bohoc for the duration.

I pray for my spiritual growth and the spiritual growth of the team and the people of Haiti.

I pray for the doctors, dentists and nurses of our mission team as treat the people of Bohoc.

I pray for God’s guidance for me on the trip and that he humbles my heart and strengthens my soul.

I praise God for the opportunity to go on this mission trip and the opportunity to meet the sponsor child that my family supports in Bohoc.



Rachel Jordan

Age: 29

newhope church Campus: Central (Durham)

Prayer Requests for Trip:

I pray that God helps me to let Him be in complete control and that He opens the eyes of my heart to see things the way that He sees them. I pray that He uses me in ways that I could never imagine to bless others. I am generally an anxious person and I pray that I can keep my eyes on Him and be able to give all of my anxiety to Him and remember that He is 100% in control. I ask that he allow me to be flexible when changes are made last minute or anything that may try to stand in our way. I also pray for a stronger since of boldness.

I am excited to go on the trip and see what God has in store, not only for the Haitian people, but for our team!



Sean Jordan

Age: 27

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

To be flexible and receptive to God’s word. To work out. To be His hands and feet. To serve with a humble heart. To walk with our friends in Haiti and lead them to Him.



Leah MacMillan

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

Health and safety for my husband, Ramsay, while on this trip.

That Jehovah Shalom will bring comfort and peace to my children at home in the states while we are gone.

That God will show me how I can help this people, this community, this country, moving forward in our shared futures.



Ramsay MacMillan


newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

I am asking for safe travel for my team, my wife and I to and from Haiti.

Jehovah Shalom, please provide peace and comfort to my children and family here in the US in my absence.

Pray that we provide some glimpse of hope to those we come in contact with.

I pray for peace and understanding in my role in fulfilling God’s will on this trip.


Lynn Nicholson

Lynn Nicholson

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

I pray for the country of Haiti.

I pray that Haiti can receive the supplies and food necessary to rebuild their infrastructure and their homes.

I pray for safe travel to and from Haiti for our team.

I pray that the family we leave behind will be safe and healthy.

I pray that the members of our team remain healthy.

I pray that God will open my heart to experience the love and compassion of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Haiti. I pray that I will be able to share my love and compassion for them. I pray for spiritual guidance and growth while on this mission trip.

I pray that I can be the hands and feet of Christ and represent HIM in all aspects whether it be what I do or what I say, that I will be able to share God’s love.

I pray that our team will bond together as we go about each day and together we can share God’s love and God’s grace.


Myron Nicholson Picture

Myron Nicholson

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

I am thankful for the opportunity to go to Haiti to come alongside, fellowship and serve my brothers and sisters. I ask prayers for a safe journey, especially in light of the devastating hurricane, that preceded our arrival. We certainly pray for those affected and hope that we can be a beacon of light and hope, to those we may come in contact with.

I pray that God will humble our hearts and place us in a position of service that will truly magnify him and show his love for all of his children.

I ask for safekeeping of our family and loved ones who we leave behind.

May we truly be the Lords hands and feet. We ask that our Haitian brothers and sisters see Christ in us and we see Christ in them.

I pray for peace of mind for all of our team members.



Reah Nicholson

Age:   32

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • Praying for the country of Haiti and the Haitian people as they deal with the devastating destruction left from Hurricane Matthew.
  • Praying for the health and safety of The 410 Bridge Staff as they work to rebuild communities and supply food, water and shelter to the survivors.
  • Praying for my leadership over this team as I lead them to Haiti during one of the most devastating times in the country’s history.
  • Praying for the health and safety of our team members and all those that we will encounter throughout our trip.
  • Praying that our team will be open to what God has for us when we arrive and that He will open our hearts and our minds to what’s in store for us. That God will be ever present in all that we do.
  • Praying for the friendships that will be formed from this journey and the lives that will be changed through this experience together.
  • Praying for the beautiful people of Bohoc. That they will see the love that we have for them and experience the love of Christ through each of us. That our ministry will bless the community of Bohoc.



Cathy Oakley

newhope church Campus: Durham

Prayer Requests for Trip:

That God will place a hedge of protection around our group and our Haiti brothers and sisters.

To feel God’s presence.

To be a light to all I encounter.

To make a difference.



Susan Pitts-Tate

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

For the wisdom to know what each kid needs in clinic and to be able to meet that need.

Also for no neck trouble during the trip!



Byrian Ramsey

Age: 43

newhope church Campus: Central/Internet

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • Pray for my anxiety over the trip. I am not sure how God wants to use me, but I am at HIS mercy.
  • Pray for my two Haitian kids, Ronald and Kelly. I do not know if they or their families were affected by the hurricanes. I hope to see them both on October 17th.
  • Pray for my stomach. My stomach is weird with different foods, so I am concerned I may develop a sickness or problem.
  • Pray for our group. We have such an awesome group. I pray I release my worries about blending in and open up more to everyone.
  • I pray for our leader, Reah, that we are guided well from our Haitian contacts.
  • I pray for the Haitian people in this devastating time of need.


Debbie Satterfield

Debbie Satterfield

newhope church Campus: Durham

Prayer Requests for Trip:

I ask prayers for the newhope church mission team prior to our departure on October 14th, that God will go ahead of us and prepare the way for what’s ahead for the week of our stay.  Please pray that God will keep our newhope church missionary delegation well; enable us to share His word with the unreached; to have the strength to press on when the heat and hurricane aftermath drains us of our energy; and that the gospel of Christ will be lived out loud to our brothers and sisters who are suffering life and death crises at present.

Please pray for our families, loved ones and homes while we are away.  That they are safe and protected, as well, as they support our mission efforts.

Lastly, please pray for our safe return.



Christina Stolarchuk

newhope church Campus: Central

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • That our team will be able to reach as many people as possible through our medical and prayer missions.
  • Wellbeing and safe travels for our team.



Heidi Soden

newhope church Campus: Durham

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • Pray for the beloved people of Haiti
  • Pray that our team has compassion
  • Pray that we are humble servants
  • Pray we don’t get Zika


Tina Swaim

Tina Swaim

newhope church Campus: Sanford

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • I pray that God will look over my family and give them peace while I am away.
  • I pray that God will give me the words to speak while I am there.
  • I pray for the health and safety of our team while we are in Haiti.


Christi Wallace 3

Christi Wallace

Age: 53

newhope church Campus: Sanford

Prayer Requests for Trip:

  • Each of the team member’s hearts will be open to God’s leading and the opportunities He places before us, that we will be used as His hands and feet.
  • The God-given gifts and abilities of each team member will be used to humbly serve with love, compassion and kindness.
  • This time will draw us ever closer to you and will change our lives
  • Protection, safety and good health, so He can accomplish His plans through us.
  • God will plant His seeds of truth in the hearts of the Haitian people.

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