Goodbye, Bohoc

Today is the day. Our last day in the village we have spent a week serving. It’s bittersweet. We are all ready to return to the states and our friends and families…but we go knowing a piece of us will always be here in Bohoc and a part of Bohoc will always be with us.

We began the day with a delicious breakfast of oatmeal, apples, and fresh baked bread. Byrian (our birthday boy) led us in a heartfelt devotion on love…he asked us to examine how we love our family, how we love God, how we love those less fortunate, and how we love our enemies. Do we love them all the same? Should we? We all had a lot to think about.

Before loading up on the bus for the drive to Port au Prince we had to meet with the 410 Bridge leadership counsel. We had no idea the blessing about to be bestowed upon us. They thanked us so sincerely for our service to their community. After talking about Jesus washing his disciples feet we realized where this was going…and several of us began crying. These people who have taught us more than we could ever teach them brought in bowls and towels. They knelt in front of each of us and gently washed our feet and patted them dry. It was the most moving experience I have ever been a part of. We were honored to wash their feet in return.

The bus ride back to Port au Prince was very exciting. The roads were a mess from all the rain and the bus got stuck coming up a big slippery hill. It was quite the adventure! About a dozen Haitians jumped in to dig and pull the bus out, we’d never seen these men before but that doesn’t matter here. These people are amazing, simply amazing.

We finally arrived in Port au Prince just after 4pm. After a short group debrief Reah led us in communion and the Lord’s Prayer, then we sat down for our last supper in Haiti. As usual, the food was amazing. We had amazing chicken, beets with peas, rice, fresh avocado, and corn muffins. After dinner we had a cake to celebrate Byrian’s birthday and we sang to him. It was an honor to spend his special day with him.

We have to get up in the morning at 3am, breakfast is at 4am, and we leave for the airport at 5am. So, we are going to bed a little early tonight. We’ve been blessed beyond measure today. God has surely been with the Hope Missions team this week.


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