Friday, July 22, 2016

Our final workday of the week brought us to Soulshine Drive in West Asheville. Last years team worked on the first few houses built in this narrow mountain street. When we arrived it became clear that the 25 houses built by Habitat for Humanity were nearly all  completed. Our team worked on laminate flooring and painting one of the lovely 3 bedroom cottage homes. Our team lead had only recently started working for Habitat. Amazingly he told us that they were able to pay him a competitive wage compared to other building contractors. Thank the Lord for Habitat for Humanity and the wonderful people that provide the resources for their work in this community.
We were able to spend some time with one of the homeowners who was working in her house.  Habitat owners are required to attend classes on a variety of topics related to the care and maintenance of the home. Kathy is a mother of 2 working at a local Ingles store. Please keep her in your prayers. She is working hard to complete the required 200 hours of work of move in her home before she can move in.
In the evening we went back to The Depot in  Marshall for a regular Friday evening music event. The Depot is a converted train station next to the French Broad river. Local favorite Dwight Arrington played guitar and sung old country music songs as the locals danced. The highlight of the evening was when Dwight lead everyone in singing “Happy Birthday” for team member Sue Ellen. I think she has just recently turning 29 or…or something. There were several cakes walks to help raise money to “keep the lights on” One person won an extremely large watermelon!. The kindness and hospitality was amazing.
Good has truly blessed our time this week.  The weather was perfect. We worked, we played, we worshiped….thank you Jesus for our time together here.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Today we had the privilege and honor to serve at the Black Mountain Children’s Home.  The setting for the home is located in such splendor of the mountains.  The home was been in existence for 110 years and was initially an orphanage for abandoned and orphaned children. It has developed into a home that takes children that are in DSS custody that have been abused, abandoned and neglected and are cared for in a loving home-style environment.  They are currently assisting 64 kids and their mission is “To glorify God by caring for children and families.”

This was our first visit to this ministry and we were able to bless them by painting the office of an employee, staining the handicap ramp and we also had the wonderful surprise of being asked to move 9 rooms in one of the houses.  To our joy and delight that allowed us to spend sometime with a few of the younger children while we switched the girls rooms to the back of the house the boys to the front of the house in order to allow them to bring more boys in and keep them together.


Words can’t describe the beauty of the facility or the hearts of the staff that dedicate their lives to caring for these precious children.  The following scripture was posted on the grounds of the 200 acre facility and also in the house: I Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

At the front of the home there is a cross with water flowing from it.  How very appropriate as it is clear that God’s love, favor and blessings are continually flowing over this ministry.  They recently partnered with 4H and the kids are loving “Rodney’s Roundup” as they teach them about the animals.  Make sure you ask Shannon who, or I should say what, photo bombed her picture!  They are also in the process of adding walking and biking trails.


Scripture says God is the father for the fatherless.  It also says that we are adopted into the family of God. Tonight we had communion and much to our surprise we had the pleasure of having Will and Danny Tompkins visit and bless us with live worship.  One of the songs they played was, “You’re a Good Good Father.”  How very appropriate given the day we have shared and the lives we were able to touch and reflect a portion of God’s love.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016


The past two days have been exhausting on multiple levels for each of us. We have packed boxes of food, provided meals for 84 families in need, cooked a large dinner for and served almost 50 women and children transitioning from homelessness. We have also met, loved on, prayed for and began building relationships with many caring and kind hearted people in the community. So on the third day, we rested. Today was our day to not only observe the community we pledged to serve, but also to experience it.

We began our day at Blue Heron White Water Rafting. We had been told our rafting experience would be mild at best and more comparable to a float down the river. However, once we arrived we were informed that the course would be moderately more challenging than anticipated. Nerves rose slightly and some began to question their participation. But we journeyed on together as a team.

Due to some medical ailments and the overall inexperience of the group, we were paired with the best and most experienced guide employed there, Chad. He was humorous and knowledgeable and made our ventures both easier and entertaining. And while much of the course was, indeed, peacefully floating down the river, there were most definitely a number of challenging rapids throughout as well. For each one, we made sure to listen to our guide for instructions, worked effectively as a team and paddled through until we reached the other side. During the course, I couldn’t help but think about how similar it was to our personal lives. We will inevitably face difficult times throughout our lives. We will have doubts, will have fear, we will have challenges. But if we allow ourselves to let go of negative thoughts, listen to our guide and surround ourselves with a great support system, we will make it to the other side. And what a privilege it is to have Jesus as our guide for life.

The rest of the day was spent relishing in our environment. We ate lunch as a group in the Pisgah National Forest, spent time doing devotions by the French Broad River and enjoyed ice cream in downtown Hot Springs. We gathered in the evening and spoke about discipline and what we had experienced the previous day. We reviewed rafting pictures and laughed as we remembered how much fun we had. I firmly believe that there are fewer places on earth that God’s Majesty and artistry are more evident and perceptible than in the mountains of North Carolina. Today we were able to immerse ourselves in the glory of His creation and I, for one, am grateful for the experience.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19 1

Once again, Team Newhope rocks! Another day of ministry, another day of service, and we still like each other!  The morning was spent at a wonderful pottery farm where we explored the secrets of firing pottery in a wood kiln.  It is the same method used by potters for thousands of years.  Mark reminded us that Jesus used pottery in his ministry several times.  Ask us what salt, wood ash, and a 3,000 degree fire does to clay!

July 19 2

After lunch we shopped for supper supplies and headed into Asheville to prepare a meal for a women’s program.  Gordon Ramsey has nothing on Chef Adrienne!  Fresh local produce for salad and sides, well seasoned chicken, scrumptious garlic buns, Texas chocolate sheet cake, washed down with Sue Ellen’s delicious sweet tea—mmm, I’m hungry again thinking about it!  Most amazing, though, was the fact that eight adults crammed into a small industrial kitchen with a crotchety gas stove and produced a fabulous meal for over 50 people in 3 hours without bickering, swearing, or tears.  THAT is an example of Christian charity.  Before we left we tackled the iced-over freezer.  Ask Shannon why her new theme song is “If I Had a Hammer.”

July 19 3

We arrived home late after a quick Waffle House stop so Susan and Misty could get a good cup decaf…. They had earned it!  The people we met and the stories we heard will guide our prayers for weeks to come.  But for now:  “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep….zzzzz….”


Monday, July 18, 2016

Beacon of Hope

Wow what an awesome day!  The thrill of knowing that we are making a difference in the Appalachian community is inspiring.  We worked along side of some other incredible volunteers today at the Beacon of Hope.  We were able to help feed 81 families.  We put together food boxes that we knew would help families make it through the month.  The people that we met were a reminder of why we came on this trip in the first place.  In need of food, and not just physical food, spiritual food as well!  Someone to hug them, talk to them, relate to them, and pray with them.  What a privilege it is for God to allow us this honor to help people that he created and loves!

Sue Ellen Packing Boxes

My prayer is that we touched some lives today in a way they will always remember, and who knows, maybe made a difference in their eternity.  Our evening adventure was just as inspiring.  Meeting a true  mountain man, whose family has been in the area since the 1830s.  Learning the ways of the mountain people that lived off the land, and still do to some degree.  What a refreshing experience to meet people that are unique, real, and content with the simple things in life!  Thanks Dwight and Pat for a memorable evening! Seeing where your family was laid to rest on top of the mountain was breath taking!  Looking forward to some good music on Friday at the Depot.

Back of Truck

There will be plenty more to come…..

Sue Ellen and Susan

Sunday, July 17, 2016

God blessed us with amazing travels to Madison county.  We are now here at Mars  Hill University surrounded by some of Gods majestic mountains.  After settling in to our accommodation and sharing a meal together and unpacked our study that helped prepare us for this mission trip.  We discussed the importance of healthy helping and not helping in ways that would cause a person to feel devalued by our help.

We are excited about the week ahead and how God will work through us to touch this community. We shared our struggles this week as we prepared to leave our home and work lives.  How adverse situations arose but how we all over came them. One member even shared how they where blessed double financially back the amount that the trip cost.

We are excited about continuing to build the relationship in this community.  God has laid it on all our hearts that we are here to let all we come in contact with that they are valued and loved by God. We believe we are His instruments in showing them that they are fabulous treasures of God.  We cant wait to begin our first day of ministry at  the Beacon of Hope a senior citizens feeding program and pray with Gods people!


And We’re Off…Please Pray for Our Team!


2016 Appalachian Mission Team

Please pray for our Appalachian Mission Team as they head to Madison County, NC. The team will engage and serve the community through existing ministries currently working in the county. Follow along on their journey and keep them in your prayers this week!

Let’s meet our team:

Sue Ellen

Sue Ellen Johnson

Pray for our safety before, during, and after the trip.

Pray for our families that we are leaving at home to be safe, and our households to run smoothly while we are gone.

Pray for God to open doors that we could never imagine.

Pray that we will be a blessing to so many.

Pray that people will trust us, and we will be able to return for many years to come.

Pray that we will make good friendships while we are there that will be lifelong.

Pray that we will witness God working in miraculous ways.

Pray for good weather for us.

Pray that not only will we change other people’s lives, but ours will be changed as well.

Pray for the health of our team, and our families too.



Susan Storie

Safety and harmony for the group as we develop new relationships in our team, and with those we will be ministering to.

Wisdom in all the situations we are involved in so that others will see Jesus working through us.

Open hearts, willing to do whatever we can for others. Fill us with compassion and discernment.

Good weather and health and safety for all!

Protection and provision for family and pets that we leave behind.

May I come home with a deeper love for others, and a greater appreciation for all God’s goodness and mercy!



Shannon Powers




Misty Mowrey

Child care for my grandchildren over the 2 weekends that we are gone.

For each of us to: “Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect.” (I Peter 3:15)



Rhonda Carney

That my job does not overload me in anticipation of my departure.  That things flow smoothly during my absence from work.

That I am able to easily stay on my strict weight loss program during the mission trip.

That each of us going stay open to ministering to others in unexpected ways.

That this trip be life changing for each of us in drawing closer and experiencing God.

That this be a time of breaking any lies from the enemy that we cannot be used by God.

That my stepson, Michael, enjoy his time at our house while pet sitting.



Mark Carney


Adrienne Barnhart

That the team allows God to work through them to empower those we are in contact with, to show how much our amazing God loves them!

That the team will feel comfortable with each other and grow close together in their relationships.

That team members will be able to unplug and have no concerns about the family and responsibilities they left behind at home.

I pray that my father and mother- in-law have no health concerns while we are away.

I pray that the women at the transitional home will open their hearts to Gods truth about love.  He loves them so much!

That the senior citizens will be open to us praying with them at Beacon of Hope and that we are Gods shining light.



Mike Barnhart