Worship the LORD!

Today we woke up excited to have the opportunity to attend church service in Bohoc, Haiti. We dressed up nicely and met in our outdoor eating gazebo for breakfast and morning devotions led by Stephanie. She referenced Isaiah 43:18,19 which talks about God doing something new, God making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Coming here was a new thing for many of us but we need not fear, God is with us.

We were incredibly blessed by worshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The church building had a dirt floor, tin roof and simple wooden chairs.  With nothing but pure, beautiful singing we entered into a very intimate time of worship and praise.  The Spirit of the Lord filled the sanctuary as the youth choir sang song after song. Such an overflowing joy and passion overwhelmed our group. We were asked to sing a song and we had chosen This little light of mine. After practicing the night before, we sang our song and did the motions too. We felt awkward but gave it our best. Ramsey and Leah pointed out that they were there when there was nothing but a field in that place and they helped clear the stones to be used for the foundation. Now the church stands strong on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. Amen!

After a great lunch of beans and rice and some meat stew we drove over to another church building where we met the children and did the first of our VBS lessons. Perseverance is the theme this week and we read and acted out the old classic story of the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise was overconfident in his ability to win the race and he ended up being distracted by other stuff. The tortoise ran the race slow and steady and didn’t give up even with many obstacles. He of course wins the race. A reminder to us all to not give up and let God help us along the way. After storytime there was crafts, games, parachute and lots of hugging, laughing, and general running around. It was fun and we were once again blessed by God being in our midst. It was hard leaving but we we will get to see them all again later this week.

Soccer is everything around here! So afterwards we were invited to watch a soccer match between Bohoc 1 and a team from Port Au Prince. It was very intense and even though “our local team” won the match 2-0, a player was seriously hurt and was taken to the hospital. We are praying for him. After the game we headed back to the house, had delicious soup and bread then took some time to debrief and talk about what we experienced today.

This was a fulfilling day and God’s grace poured out on us. We are learning, growing and loving each moment on this adventure here in Haiti.

Mwen Rele Heidi

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